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Setting up MongoDB

Profile picture of Samson ZhangSamson Zhang
May 30, 2021Last updated May 30, 20213 min read

1: Create new cluster

Create a new project and a new cluster in MongoDB Atlas. I select Azure as my cloud provider and name my cluster v1. I select the M0 free tier - it caps at 512 MB but that's no big deal because the entirety of Postulate is 13MB (as of last week).

Then, click "connect," allow access from anywhere with the IP address, and select "from driver." I get a string that starts with mongodb+srv:// , and I add it as an environment variable, stored in a .env file in the root directory of our project.

MongoDB tells you to replace myFirstDatabase in the URL with a database name, which confused me as no further explanation was provided and I was doing this for the first time. I'll spare you some head banging and here's the answer: basically, you can replace it with whatever you want your database to be named as. I name mine v1 .

2. Connect to the database from your project

Install mongoose in your Next.js project via npm i mongoose @types/mongoose .

Create utils/dbConnnect.ts - a utility function to reuse database connections. I got this code from the Postulate repository:

// from https://github.com/vercel/next.js/blob/canary/examples/with-mongodb-mongoose/utils/dbConnect.js

import mongoose from "mongoose";

const MONGODB_URL = process.env.MONGODB_URL // access environment variable


throw new Error(

'Please define the MONGODB_URL environment variable inside .env'



async function dbConnect() {

// check if we have a connection to the database or if it's currently

// connecting or disconnecting (readyState 1, 2 and 3)

if (mongoose.connection.readyState >= 1) {



return mongoose.connect(MONGODB_URL, {

useNewUrlParser: true,

useUnifiedTopology: true,

useFindAndModify: false,

useCreateIndex: true,

maxIdleTimeMS: 10000,

socketTimeoutMS: 20000,



export default dbConnect;

Here's where the earlier environment variable comes in handy. We access it with process.env.MONGODB_URL .

3. Set up models

Following the tree that Samson laid out earlier in the PM spec, I create models. In models folder, create Typescript files, each exporting one model. For example, here is models/account.ts :

import mongoose, {Model, Document} from "mongoose";

import {AccountObj} from "../utils/types";

const AccountSchema = new mongoose.Schema({

email: {type: String, required: true},

name: {type: String, required: true},

image: {type: String, required: true},

trialExpDate: {type: String, required: true},

}, {

timestamps: true,


export const AccountModel: Model<Document<AccountObj>> = mongoose.models.account || mongoose.model("account", AccountSchema);

And here is the corresponding Typescript type in utils/types.ts:

export interface AccountObj {

email: string,

name: string,

image: string,

trialExpDate: string // date string


With that, we have successfully set up our database!

Bonus: To verify that the configuration is correct, I can create an account from my Next app and store it in MongoDB after setting up NextAuth. To see our data, go to Clusters > v1 > Collections, and everything looks awesome 😁

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