
Postulate is the best way to take and share notes for classes, research, and other learning.

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The Queer Transpacific

SC class with Prof. Jih-Fei Cheng

E85 Digital Design

HMC class w Prof. Smilkstein and Prof. Shia

Phys 142 E&M

S24 Pom class with Prof. Zook

policy implementation and evaluation

claremont undercurrents

notes from claremont undercurrents/claremont club stuff

intro to mapping

e157: radio frequency circuit design

fall 2023 class w prof. spencer

comparative social policy

fall 2023 class w prof dobbs


dow jones news fund/sacbee/journalism 2023

learning from djnf training and internship, and other summer 2023 journalism things

POLS 301: Introduction to Government: United States

summer 2023 class at folsom lake college w prof david reese


notes for hmc class "Electronic and Magnetic Circuits and Devices" w prof. contreras

E83: Continuum Mechanics

MS97: Contemporary US Media

notes for s23 pz class

Poli 90: Statistics

poli stats

E80: Experimental Engineering


notes from leading data science team for building course recommender software for P-AI

MS 148: Powers of Pleasure

Notes from fall 2022 Pomona class

MS73: Technology, Capitalism and Race

Notes for fall 2022 Pitzer class

POST 124: Chinese Politics

Fall 22 Pitzer class

Physics 70

Notes for Pomona class with Prof. Whitaker, fall 2021

Phys 101: Modern Physics

Notes for Pomona class Phys 101, fall 2022

E79: Engineering Systems

Notes for e79 w Prof. Shia at HMC in fall 2022

Engineering knickknacks

random engineering notes

Web dev for makers

Notes for development of Pomona SURP-funded course teaching those with no CS experience to make webapps as fast as possible

AAJA VOICES / Asam coverage research


Data visualization

Notes on data visualization projects

ID1: European Enlightenment

Notes for Pomona freshman seminar ID1: European Enlightenment with Prof. Gary Kates

Tidy Tuesday

Notes on creating two-hour data visualizations for R4DS's Tidy Tuesday project

Camp Reboot


HIST 62: Modern Asian History

Notes for Pomona class Modern Asian History: Japan, China, and Korea in the 20th Century

LGCS 11: Intro to Cognitive Science

Notes from Spring '22 Pomona class LGCS 11 with Prof. Zirnstein

Poli 5: Intro to Comparative Politics

Notes for Pomona class Poli 005: Intro to Comparative Politics


notes from working on verses.xyz

E4: Intro to Engineering Design and Manufacturing

Notes for Spring 22 class HMC Engr 004


Notes from building memex.szh.land

Machine Learning

Notes from learning about ML

Postulate feedback

Leave feedback for Postulate as snippets!


Writing about various philosophers and ideas

Creative Writing

Fiction, poetry, other creative writing


Frameworks about startups, innovation, productivity, and life

People 🤹‍♀️

Mini-features on interesting people I encounter

EV Connect

Notes from working at EV Connect

Side projects

Notes on side projects before they become real projects

Beta Testing Manager

Building a beta testing manager app with Laura

The Yappie

My notes on "informing and empowering AAPI communities" at TheYappie.com


Founder and dev notes from building Postulate


Founder and dev notes on Updately


Notes and learnings from building EloLeague.com

Edyfi HQ

Notes, plans, and lessons for Edyfi W'21 and expansion S'21

Edyfi Newsletter

The latest from Edyfi co-living houses

Blobfish Packaging

Revolutionary Reading Club

Notes on Lenin and other revolutionary/critical/whatever social theory I stumble upon

College planning

notes about college

empty project

Edyfi Cafe

Building Edyfi Cafe with Brennan


recipes, notes about ingredients, techniques, etc.

Mormon's property management stuff

Software contracting project with Mormon Redd

TKS XPRIZE Challenge: Team Sigil

Team Sigil's working notes for the TKS 2021 XPRIZE Challenge

On Climate

Learning in public about humanity's defining project in the 21st century

On Media and Journalism

Thoughts on news media, new media, and institutional journalism's relationship with society

On Thought And Knowledge

Notes on knowledge management, creativity, writing, etc.

Edyfi Content and Marketing

Notes about Edyfi marketing and content strategy


Notes from TKS sessions, speakers, etc.

Banana collecting adventures

Notes from my daily trips out into the jungle to collect bananas

TKS Carbon Capture Sesh 2/20

group notes

WPT/SSP research

WPT/SSP research


random personal notes

Teaching Natalie dev

Helping Natalie go from zero dev experience to software engineer, to make some money for tuition